June Introduction

June: Intentionality

Resolution: I choose to be mindful and responsive to God’s presence and the needs of others.

As we move into “ordinary time” on our church calendar, we celebrate the story of the people of God. We all have a story, both individually and as the Church body. We can allow that story to just happen as it may, or we can choose to shape the story into something that is meaningful.  

God is always near, but we often neglect to pay attention to His presence. Likewise, every person we encounter has a story, a need, a reason why they are acting the way they are. But we are often to focused on ourselves or our to-do list that we don’t even consider these other people. It’s easy to just go through our days living life the way it comes and goes, acknowledging God and others only when it is convenient for us.

There is a richness and fullness to living with intentionality. We can choose to be intentionally aware of God’s presence in us and around us. He is working in hearts, lives, relationships, and circumstances. Can you see it? He might want you to be the one who helps out someone else. Can you hear Him asking you to do that?

Intentionality means that you are living life and doing things on purpose. You are being deliberate in the way you live, parent your children, spend your money, use your time, invest in relationships, and interact with God.

This month we are focusing on intentionality. What do you intend to make your story?

June: Liturgy

Leader: Almighty Father, You are majestic, holy and awe inspiring.

People: Father, help us be mindful of Your presence.

Leader: Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your incarnation and Your willingness to leave glory to dwell among humanity. You chose to be present with us, prioritizing our need for freedom from sin above Your comfort and glory.

People: Jesus, help us be truly present with others by prioritizing their needs above our own.

LeaderHoly Spirit, we thank You that You are presently working in our midst. May we be attentive to Your voice and sensitive to Your guidance in our daily lives.

People: Spirit, help us be responsive to Your guidance in our daily lives.