
At the Mission Cleveland, we believe that every one of us belongs. We are called to be the family of God. In his love, God has gathered us into his family and made us his own. Now we are called to extend that same invitation to others. This means always setting the table and reserving a chair for the next person who comes through our doors. If you are new to our community... welcome! We are so glad you are here.


We are spiritual beings.  Without spiritual nourishment, we grow hungry in ways that nothing else can satisfy.  The truth is, we only really thrive when we are fed spiritually and when we are growing.  At the Mission Cleveland, we do not approach this individualistically. We are committed to growing together.  In groups that meet here in Cleveland, utilizing a range of different formats, we lean into shared rhythms of life together that cultivate spiritual growth.

Wherever you are in your journey, we desire to provide you with opportunities to experience relational connection, spiritual practices, rich teaching and challenging discussions, all of which are designed to foster spiritual growth.  We desire to serve you so that you will be equipped to go out and serve the world.


In the Gospel of John (John 13:34-35) Jesus says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

At The Mission Cleveland, we are called to serve each other. We are a family, and families love one another.  Each of us has something unique to contribute… and we all contribute.  Our community cannot be strong and healthy otherwise.  Jesus himself leads the way in this regard.  In the same chapter of John, Jesus says, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master.”

In other words, humble service is a part of the Christian life.  It is one of the primary ways that Christ expresses His love for us, and it is how we grow in our love for each other.  As the people of God, we are called to function more like a sailboat than a cruise ship. We all pitch in!  In the shared life of our community, whether on Sundays or during the week, we are all called to do our part.


The Mission Cleveland is a fellowship of missionaries. As his family, God commissions us to be a people who “GO” with Him on mission. Our staff and lay leadership is dedicated to supporting and equipping our fellowship to live out this purpose. We seek to reveal God’s kingdom by stewarding His goodness, truth and beauty in our neighborhood, our city and the world. We do this together in a number of ways.