July Introduction

July: Devotion

Resolution: I choose to practice spiritual disciplines to nurture my relationship with Christ.

Christian devotion can be defined as dedicating oneself to Christ wholly and earnestly. The Bible encourages us to devote ourselves to a number of practices that demonstrate our relationship with Christ. Over the years these practices have been defined and redefined, but the classical spiritual disciplines comprise a timeless list of things Jesus practiced in His earthly life. We would all benefit individually and as a church body if we were to commit to these practices.

The twelve spiritual disciplines, which should be practiced in conjunction with one another, are outlined by Richard Foster:


The practice of these disciplines is for the purpose of becoming more like Christ. They are not to be viewed as an end unto themselves nor a box to be checked off your to-do list. They are simply a way to demonstrate devotion to Christ and grow closer to Him.

July’s resolution echoes this: I choose to practice spiritual disciplines to nurture my relationship with Christ.

July: Liturgy

Leader: Almighty Father, You are faithful, wise, and loving. 

People: Father, help us be more like You.

Leader: Lord Jesus, You are the perfect example of discipline as You walked in perfect unity with the Father- being one with Him.

People: Jesus, help us be more like You.

Leader:  Holy Spirit, we acknowledge that our hearts are restless until they find rest in You. When we feel like discipline and devotion are beyond our capacity, You are our help, comforter, and advocate.

People: Spirit, help us be more like You.