January Introduction

January: Diligence

Diligence is defined as, “Careful and persistent work.” These words describe the aspects of diligence that we as a Chapel hope to embody.

Paul says in Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive an inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” The resolution for January reflects this passage: I choose to work as unto the Lord in all areas of my life. The goal is not to become overwhelmed with “work” or to be dedicated to some overly lofty standard of perfection. It is, rather, to be full of care and faithfully present in our work. If we will do this, we will demonstrate the virtue of diligence.

January regularly denotes a time of new beginnings or fresh starts. Many people will set goals, establish new habits, and re-evaluate aspects of their lives. This often produces a season of diligence. These changes become lifelong commitments or short-term changes, but diligence is often on our minds in January.

January also marks a shift in the Christian calendar. We go from Christmas to the season of Epiphany. Epiphany begins on January 6 and lasts until the day before Ash Wednesday (the beginning of the season of Lent). Epiphany means “to show,” “to make known,” or “to reveal.” During this season, we reflect on the many times in the New Testament when Christ was revealed to people.

We can reveal Christ to our culture through our diligence. By our careful and persistent work, we can be a representation of Christ in our world. May we “show up” to others as we work unto the Lord in all areas of our lives.

January: Liturgy

Leader: Father God, we thank You for calling each of us to tasks this year through responsibilities in our community and roles in your Kingdom. We are reminded that Paul says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord...”

People: Help us to honor You with our vocation.

Leader: Father, we thank You for the truth that You have gifted each of us. We have been uniquely equipped to be Kingdom bringers in our circles of influence. We thank You for giving us the strength we need to follow Your call on our lives.

People: Help us to honor You with our gifts.

Leader: Father, Your work is easy and Your burden is light. In our diligence, help us remember Your promise of rest and peace. May we not be so consumed with success that we forget our priorities. Help us to prioritize You above all.

People: Help us to honor You with our priorities.