Mission Cleveland Parish

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November Introduction

November: Community

Resolution: I choose to journey with other believers to participate in the mission of God.

The letter to the Hebrews encourages us to always be mindful of how we can encourage one another in love and good works and to be committed to meeting together for this purpose (Hebrews 10:24). The Christian life is one lived out in common fellowship with other Christ followers. Indeed, to have been called by God into fellowship with Christ and the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 1:9; 2 Corinthians 13:14) is to have also been called by God into communal citizenship and family membership in God’s kingdom (Ephesians 2:19). As we live out this calling, we mirror the early church’s way of life, who devoted themselves to community and fellowship (Acts 2:42)—to journeying with other believers. When reading the New Testament, it is hard to miss the importance and centrality of community in the Christian life.

As we seek to be more closely conformed to the image of God’s Son, we will naturally desire to build and participate in community. Our resolution, liturgy, and reflections this month help give us purposeful attention to developing a commitment to community. This commitment isn’t just about our edification but also our call to carry out with fellow believers, as a unified body, the work of God in the world. As you read the human stories and lessons, take time to purposefully engage the remembrance, challenge, and reflection with friends and/or family. Perhaps, if you don’t already, let this month be a start for growing in faith with others. Look for ways to participate in the mission of God as a fellow sojourner in the Way.

November: Liturgy

Leader: Heavenly Father, You have called us into fellowship with Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit as the bedrock of our communion within the church.

People: Father, empower us to live in union with Jesus and the Spirit.

Leader: Jesus, You call us into fellowship with other believers that we might be partners with You in the mission of God. 

People: Jesus, empower us to stir up one another to love and good works.

Leader:  Holy Spirit, You empower us to live in love and unity that we might be a light to the darkness.

People: Holy Spirit, empower us to be ministers of reconciliation.