Mission Cleveland Parish

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May Introduction

May: Remembrance

Our identity as a person, a family, a faith community, an institution, a country, or a people group is rooted in knowing and remembering our history, the stories that brought us to where we are. Most holidays are a celebration to remember an event, a person or a group of people. The bible is full of statements urging us to remember:   

Deeds of the Lord
Covenants that have been made
To obey
That we were slaves 
Wonders God has done     
Judgements God has pronounced     
To extol His work
How fleeting is your life     
The chains of Paul
Jesus Christ, raised from the dead     
What the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold

Remembering what you believe and why you believe it is important for keeping your faith alive and active and strong. But, looking back in history to those who have gone before is an additional element that sends courage to your own strength. In times of doubt, reading stores of those who have suffered for their faith encourages you to remember that some things are worth devoting your life for.  

Resolution: I choose to learn from the rich history of the Church and the mystery of the faith to hold me close to Christ.              

May: Liturgy

Leader: Almighty Father, You remind us in Your word to recall Your miracles for our redemption; we remember the deliverance from Pharaoh’s army and Christ’s defeat of evil on the cross. Make us aware throughout the day of these mighty works, that they may give us confidence to boldly face the present. 

People: Father, help us remember the past and be transformed in the present. 

Leader: Lord Jesus, thank You for diligently spending time with Your disciples, instructing them in the faith, and modeling the way. Without this effort, the rich tradition of the church, passed down through the apostles, would not exist. 

People: Jesus, help us remember the past and be transformed in the present. 

Leader:  Holy Spirit, we see Your hand throughout history on Your people: from the apostles, to the apostolic fathers, to the monastic movement and reformers. Ignite in us a love for past wisdom. Help us to fight against the modern-day belief that newer is always better. 

People: Spirit, help us remember the past and be transformed in the present.